The Arabic Language Arts classes align with the UAE Ministry of Education standards for Arabic as a First Language, covering language and literature similarly to English Language Arts classes. These courses are literacy-focused, emphasizing reading comprehension, writing processes, and listening and speaking skills comparable to those taught in grade-level English Language Arts. Designed for students who hold Arab passports or regularly use Arabic at home, these classes are mandatory for Arab passport holders through Grade 12, as per local regulations.
Graduation Requirements: 2 Years/Credits in one language
Graduation Requirements:
It is our understanding that UAE high school equivalency is required for Arab passport holders graduating from a UAE school who may wish to attend a university or pursue a career with a government or government-affiliated organization in the UAE. Additionally, some universities in Gulf and Middle Eastern countries have previously required the UAE equivalency certificate for student admission. This process may include taking exams in Arabic. According to the UAE Ministry of Education, “students of Arab nationality are required to have taken Arabic in their last three years of study” to meet equivalency requirements.
Note on AP International Diploma and External Assessments:
As there is no AP Arabic Language and Culture course, students in Arabic Language Arts who are seeking AP®-style score reports that can be used to apply for college credit and/or placement are provided with different options. One way to apply for the AP International Diploma is through the AVANT APT (Arabic Proficiency Test) test, which is administered yearly at ASD. A minimum score of 5 on the APT test, equivalent to the Intermediate Mid level, qualifies students for the APID.
Another option is for students to explore the Arabic NEWL (National Exam in World Languages) or CIMA (Certificat International de Maîtrise en Arabe). These international, external exams are recommended for students with minimum Arabic World Language Intermediate High or Native Arabic Grade 10. Upon successful completion of any of these exams, an official letter from the school will be submitted to the College Board so it can be included with the student’s AP records.