5 Minutes with Farrah Karroum

Faculty & Staff
Farrah Karroum


In the latest of our Faculty Highlight series, we take 5 minutes to get to know Farrah Karroum.

What is your role at ASD?

ES Arabic Teacher and Team Lead.

How long have you been in ASD?

8 years.

Why did you choose to be an educator?

Being an educator gave me the chance to play a role in shaping students' futures through empowering them and encouraging them to take risks and explore. I also love teaching because the science of teaching is always evolving and I love to keep learning from and about my students.

What is your favorite book/quote/movie?

My favorite quote is "You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take".

What is your favorite class or topic to teach in ASD?

I don't have a specific topic that I love to teach, but I love to teach topics that are relative to the students' lives and watch them make connections.

Share something that makes ASD special 

ASD is a safe, respectful, and happy place for all to be. Also, the atmosphere here is encouraging, inclusive, and supportive of a growth mindset. I learned a lot from my students, colleagues, and the administrators I worked with. ASD provided me with many opportunities to grow as a teacher and mostly helped in shaping my identity as a teacher.

Share your favorite ASD memory

Working in ASD for this long period of time means that I get to keep so many memories about my team, my students, and my colleagues. However, the memories that are stuck to my mind most are those that were spent with students on trips. Field trips allowed us to get out of the formal classroom, share some stories, and mostly share some sense of humor.

  • Faculty Highlight