Suggest a Story

‘I am ASD. I am a Falcon!’ Alumni Profiles

ASD alumni are living their stories in Dubai, the United States and across the globe. Please share your story, or that of a noteworthy friend or colleague, and celebrate your achievements.

If you have questions about this form, or would like assistance in submitting your story, please email

Share Your Story

I am submitting
Connection to ASD
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.
Name of a teacher, staff members or ASD affiliate who can provide us with a statement or additional information about the nominee.​​​​​​

Tips for crafting your story:

  • It can be as simple as one digital photo and a paragraph about your time at ASD (or JAS) and your personal journey as an ASD falcon.
  • It can be a story with reflections of how ASD (or JAS) made an impact on your life, bringing you to where you are today.
  • It can be a story about how a teacher made a difference in your life, bringing you to where you are today.
  • Think of a personal or professional accomplishment, activity or experience that makes a difference. How did ASD make a difference to you towards that accomplishment?
  • Include details about yourself. What is your profession? Where do you call home? How did ASD fit into that journey? What are your passions? Who inspired you along the way? Give us a sense of who you are.
  • Proofread and keep it short, sweet and to the point.

Your story and photos will be hosted on this site and may be selected for a spotlight feature in our ‘I am ASD. I am a Falcon!’ Alumni profile series.

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